How to use for loop in C++ CPP C

//What will be the out put in C++, C or CPP
//1.Tricky for loop program
int main()
int i;
for(i=0;i<=5;i++); //when i=6 condition will become false and
                              //control flow will go next stmt to print once

        printf("\n %d. Sonys",i);
return 0;
//2. Tricky for loop Program

int main()
int i;
for(;;)//infinite loop infinite times
           //Manoj gets printed till stack over flow
        printf("\n %d. Sonys",i);
return 0;
//3. Tricky for loop Program

int main()
int i;
for(;;); //infinite loop within without increment
             //so control will not come out of loop and no o/p
        printf("\n %d. Sonys",i);
return 0;
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