New Features in ANSI C++ Standard

How to Use New Features in ANSI C++ Standard.

1)      Newly added  data types in ANSI C++:
a)bool  data type
b)wchar_t data types
c) wide_character Literals
a)bool  data type:
bool  bb; //declarion of bool data type
bb=true;  //assignment of true value
bool  bb2 = false; //declaration and initialization(to true) simultaneously

b)wchar_t data types:
To represent the character sets of the languages that contains more than 255 characters.e.g. Japanese Language wchar_t data type is used that hold 16-bit wide characters. 
c) wide_character:
                                Wide character Literals begin  with the letter  L . It has 2 byte memory.
                                e.g.    L  ‘ms’ //example of wide character Literal.
         2)      New Operators:
A)     Static_cast operator
B)      Const_castoperator
C)      Reinterpret_cast operator
D)     Dynamic_cast operator
E)      Typeid operator

       3)      Namespace
       4)      Some old style header files are renamed.for example:
           Math.h file renamed as cmath in the new standard
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